Style, Travel, + Lifestyle

Thursday, April 21, 2016


I have always had super thick wavy to curly hair, growing up I hated how much there was and how much time it took my mom to help me do it as a child.  Even when I was able to do it myself it just took forever to wash, dry and do anything! Now as an adult I am super thrilled about my natural hair because I can do much to it and now I don't really add product or anything and it looks pretty decent every day (not to toot my own horn!)  Anyways since my hair is really thick and I have a lot of it as well, I never even thought twice about extensions or any type of clip in.  Until Irresistible Me contacted me about trying their pieces.  I have always been a huge fan of other bloggers I follow with the super long hair that do some amazing braids and always wanted me hair to look like that!  Irresistible Me are beautiful, they match my hair exactly and I got the long length so it would almost be at my hips, this way when trying all the trendy braids and different styles they are nice and thick.  Also once braids are in the hair doesn't fall at my hips anymore. Again a huge thank you to Irresistible Me and I will def be doing some rad styles with these hair clip ins!

Thank you to Irresistible Me for sponsoring this post.


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